Hello Readers,
I was so impacted, in a good way, by one of my Valentine's Day Winners on Monday. I just had to share this with you. Sometimes, personally, I don't really know what or how I am going to appeal to my audience. So, I usually rely on my true internal instincts to lead the way. When I developed the Valentine's Day Giveaway, I wanted to make sure that the gifts I was offering were something I would actually use or have used in the past that have brought joy to my life. I absolutely love The Cheesecake Factory and Sharis Berries and have given them away as gifts to my family and friends.
I feel that in order to really impact people, you must be open to bringing out a genuine piece of yourself. When you feel pleased with your decisions to help others or feel the excitement without even expecting anything in return, you feel touched when you get comments like the one below. Here's what one of my winners had to say:
After reading this comment, I thought of a few of my pointers on how to impact people with the little things on your blog or just in your life period:
1. Bring your interests to the forefront of your blog or when getting to know someone. We may not feel comfortable at first expressing who we are to a stranger, but you would be surprised how easy it becomes when you start with a smile. I have found that people really need to see a good smile throughout their day. Give it a try!
2. Be courteous and respectful of others. I know this may be a given to some, but we all have our own personal views on things, but understand that everyone is entitled to their beliefs. Not everyone is going to like what you have to offer on your blog or from interacting with you as a person. However, love the perfect vessel that you are anyway. We only have one body, so love and care for the one you're in.
3. Say "Thank You!". When you're a kid, your mother always said to say, "Thank You", when someone gives you something or pays you a compliments. This still applies as you grow older and venture through life. I can't send out enough Thank You's myself to all the giveaway entrants, my new GFCers, my Twitter Followers, and Facebook Like Fans! You all are the ones that give me the desire and passion to reach out with fabulous giveaways, stories, and matter-of-fact moments from a senior's perspective.
4. Never stop learning. One little thing that can impact anyone in your life is showing them that you still have the capacity to learn. 'You actually don't know it all'. No matter what age, we are continuing to learn and with the world changing so rapidly, we must keep ourselves in learning mode to understand these changes. If people see that you are open to learning from them, then they will bring you the ideas and innovations that you need to satisfy a need for the greater good.
5. Encourage and Pray for others. Sometimes people just need to know that you are there and care to listen. We are creatures of habit and instinct. We know if someone genuinely means well for us or not. By encouraging someone with, "You look nice today!" or "I hope you have a great day!", it triggers a new direction in their mind. Or, praying for someone you may not know all that well, can bring about change and improvements for them and even yourself.
No one really knows how this all works and why it works, but it does work. The little things we do for each other can turn around and make us a little bit better.
I hope you have a great day!
Selena Brown
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