Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Winner of The No Senior Goes Hungry Contest Is...

Hello Everyone!

I was completely blown away by the great responses each of you gave about the seniors in your life. It took me a lot of time to read over each one and I've responded to everyone's comments within the post if you would like to read the comment I sent you in return. It was a great pleasure! I had a little help figuring my winner and here we go!

However, without making each of you wait any further....

The Winner of the October 2010 No Senior Goes Hungry Contest Is....

 !!!!!!!YOU ARE MY BIG WINNER!!!!!!

The Response:
Chisum's Crew said... The best advice I have ever received was from my daddy as he battled colon cancer. While he never said a thing, he taught me how to battle bravely and with diginity all of life's issues. Daddy passed away 10-29-10 at 4:06 pm surrounded by his family. I love and miss him so very much!

I love the concept of your blog, the stories and the great photos. Keep up the great work.

CONGRATULATION!!!!!  You will receive a $50 Visa Gift Card and A $50 Cash Donation On Your Behalf to St. Joseph's Meals On Whee! 

Please Note: Trinitygsd, I will be emailing you for mailing information to send your Visa Gift Card and St. Vincent Information. Please respond by Tuesday, 8:00pm/PST by email at: so that I may complete this contest or I will have to go to the next person in my top 10 list! Thank you!

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  1. Again, I want to personally thank everyone for contributing to my very first contest here and I can't wait to give and learn again in November! Many blessings to you! -Selena

  2. Congrats! That was a really great contest! I'm doing to do a similar one when my blog reaches 100 followers, so tell your friends!
    (sorry to link to my blog in your comments, I know some people think it's rude >_> but it's for a good cause :O )

  3. @Yllsa Thank you so very much. I had a great time just reading all of the responses I received, I am busy getting ready to present the next one. It will be just as gift-giving! Oh, it's okay to link as long as your comments are related to my posts. :) -Selena

  4. Thank you so much for this honor. No one has taught us as much about being kind and doing what is right than our parents. Daddy never met a stranger, never had so little that he wouldn't offer some to anyone in need. His example taught us all so much about being respectful and considerate of others, especially our elders. We are touched to be a part of your campaign and to have this donation made in our team name! *hugs*

  5. Oh, you are so very welcome! It is my pleasure. I really enjoyed reading all the posts. Wow, the compassion is limitless. You all rock! I sent out the first donation to St. Vincent Meals on Wheels and you should be receiving a card acknowledgment from them and your $50 Visa Gift card should have arrived or in route. Thanks for sharing and participating! -Selena
