Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday Motivation: The Power of Declarations

It is truly one thing to say that you want something badly, but it is truly another to focus on it and take action to achieve it. Sometimes we all have open-ended thoughts that we would hope would manifest into something tangible that we could hold. However, the fact of life is that we all have doubts and sometimes those doubts germinate into something that is less motivational and encouraging. But, when we see those feelings of doubt beginning to creep into our minds, we have to learn how to reject them and reassess our motives.

Every morning I have began to say some declarations out loud while touching my heart that has really helped me to stay on track and focused throughout my day. Because, as you know, not everyone that will cross your path today is on this transformational journey or care to be. So, you have to have your guard up and ready to protect your own inner peace.

Here are some of the declarations I repeat every morning and I wanted to share them with you today for our Monday Motivation:

1. My Inner World creates my Outer World.

2. I release my non-supportive money experiences from the past and create a new and rich future.

3. I think big! I choose to help thousands and thousands of people.

4. I promote my values to others with passion and enthusiasm.

5. I am committed to constantly learning and growing.

These declarations and others are spoken every morning before I begin my day. They set me up for a more positive outlook on my day and to accept people a lot better who may have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed. Remember, it doesn't matter what age you are because we all need some form of declaration that we can say to ourselves to empower us and keep us strong. This is especially important as we get older. Try them and share your experiences. I have to thank T. Harv Eker for these declarations from his book The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.

Blessings to you on this Monday and beyond,

Selena Brown

***The Power of Declarations! YAY!

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