Monday, August 1, 2011

I Wanna Be Me (Monday Motivation)

We are taught by society, as little children and into adulthood, to go to school, get a job, and start a family, etc. However, there are some people who just don't quite fit in that mold. There are some senior citizens who have retired and can look back on their unconventional ways of how they earned their livings. They have developed ideas, invented new innovative products, established a successful business or even decided to go into the military to fight in war for their country.

However, the ultimate point to this Monday Motivation is to let you know that it is alright to be what you 'wanna be'. In these days and times we must be more accepting of change and learning new innovative ways of thinking outside of the box to make a living.

I used to watch Sesame Street when I was little and they had a great way of explaining little life-lessons to me through songs. I just happen to find a great song video called I Wanna Be Me that I believe will help you to see in the most simplistic manner how important it is to step out on your own two feet in the direction you feel is right for you. 

Some people may not understand what you are doing. Some may not understand why you have decided to reinvent yourself after retirement by going into another career or trade. However, we as people are best when we are living a life of purpose on our own terms. Let those who can't quite understand your unconventional ways of living, smirk, or convene secretly against you, but know that you are in control of your own destiny. No one can take away who you are and what you are meant to become for the greater good. On top of it all, no one can make you have if you, first, don't make yourself happy.

In closing, for this Monday Motivation, if you are retired and looking for a new passion, then I say begin today with your seeking and you will find it. Maybe it will be in an instrument, like Mr. Cott found, in the video to the right side panel of my blog here, that will give you a reason for living again. Just maybe it will be in traveling abroad and/or in the comfort of your home in business, but know that if you are still breathing, you still have a job to do, so make it an experience to remember. 

For those who are still finding your first passion or purpose, keep experimenting and know that you have permission to be what you 'wanna be', which will ultimately lead you to 'being yourself' and not what society labels you as.

Have a fabulous Monday,

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  1. I used to watch Sesame Street too, and now both of my kids have wathced it. I am new follower from the Boost Your Blog giveaway. Visit my daughter and I at our blog, Says Me Says Mom ( we talk about anything and everything.

  2. Hey there! Following you from Money Saving Mindy! I'd love a follow back!

    Have a great day! :)

    P.S. Sesame Street is awesome!

  3. @meandmom - Thank you for sharing. I will definitely stop by your blog. :)

  4. @Mindy - I just stopped by your blog and followed you also along with @meandmom. Great blogs!

  5. I am a new follower from Boost Your Buzz! So glad to find your blog! Please stop by when you get a chance!

  6. Hello @About A Mom! I have stopped by your blog and now following you via Google Friend Connect! Great blog!

  7. Nice motivating words :) I'm your latest follower from GFC. Hope you can stop by my place and return the favor soon.
